NDNEEL2s&Ãÿÿÿÿ êDocument Type: `Article`Document Type:`Review`Abstract: Accession No:  Retrospective Record No: Accession No: Affiliation: 'ATLA Product Code: ATLA Stream:Author(s): Database: /Date of Entry:Document Type:  DOI: +Language: 2More Like This:Note(s):  Ownership: Provider:0Reviewed Item: &Source: , p . Source: , p .Source: Standard No:  SUBJECT(S)Title: Update: Year:------Document Type: `book reviewed`Abstract: Accession No:  Retrospective Record No: Accession No: Affiliation: 'ATLA Product Code: ATLA Stream:Author(s):  Bibliography:Content:Database: /Description:  p.Description: Document Type:  DOI: +Entry:Language: 2More Like This:Note(s):  Provider:0Publication:  : |, .Publication:  : Publication:  Series: |.;Series: Standard No: ISBN: Standard No:  SUBJECT(S)Title: TOC: Update: Year: ------Document Type: `Essay`Abstract: Accession No:  Retrospective Record No: Accession No: Affiliation: 'ATLA Product Code: ATLA Stream:Author(s): Database: /Date of Entry:Document Type:  DOI: +Language: 2More Like This:Note(s):  Provider:0Source: Standard No:  SUBJECT(S)Title: Update: Year:------ Document Type: `polygraph` Abstract:  Accession No:  Retrospective Record No: Accession No:  Affiliation: ' ATLA Product Code:  ATLA Stream:  Author(s):  Bibliography:  Content:  Database: / Description:  p. Description:  Document Type:  DOI: + Entry:  Language: 2 More Like This:  Note(s):  Provider: 0 Publication: : |, . Publication:  : Publication:  Series: |.; Series:  Standard No: ISBN:  Standard No:  SUBJECT(S)  Title:  TOC:  Update:  Year:  ------ ÑD DDDby D*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition H DHDDDScale DDDSLSDL L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DH.; DISBN: Ded comp reviewer Editor D D H DSHIn: D. p H0l,; ‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚; ed.; Descriptor: ‹ATLA Religion (OCLC)OCLC91. Because of the lack of identifying tags in source data, EndNote cannot always parse it correctly, resulting in an occassional record in which the volume or issue has been placed in the incorrect field or the last word of the journal name appears in the Volume field. Users must manually correct these errors after importing. 2. Series data is presented with double semi-colons. Users must manually remove one of them after importing. 3. Some author fields include non-author information, which must be removed manually after importing. The filter is set up to remove most of it, but sometimes a single comma is left over, which must also be removed. 4. When the ISSN is present in the Series field, it cannot be automatically removed; users must delete it or move it to another field manually after importing. ATLA Religionaced in the incorrect field or the last word of the journal name appears in the Volume field. Users must manually correct these errors after importing. 2. Series data is presented with double semi-colons. Users must manually remove one of them after importing. 3. Some author fields include non-author informtion, which must be removed manually after importing. The filter is set up to remove most of it, but sometimes a single comma is left over, which must also be removed.